Classes on Gases

Get hands-on with gas as a state of matter in these ten fun science experiments for kids. You’ll discover the awesome fizzy reactions and the incredible power gasses like air have! Try these at home with the family and see for yourself. Side note: a joke or two will come with the territory of discussing this state of matter.

Bath Bombs (Ages 9-16)

A few ingredients in these bath bombs create a fizzy reaction: baking soda, citric acid, and bath water. When the two dry ingredients, baking soda and citric acid, hit the bath water, they react and create carbon dioxide bubbles. The bigger your bath bomb, the longer this reaction will last.


Solids, Liquids, Gas – Oh My! (Ages 3-6)

A simple activity to help young kids get their heads around states of matter. Let little scientists  invent different ways to compare the balloons and see the differences for themselves like crash tests, tapping each, comparing weights, and more! As your kids work, encourage them to use the words solid, liquid, and gas, so that they began associating the differences with each state of matter.


Egg in a Bottle (Ages 9-16)

As the flame burns inside the bottle, it heats up the air around it, causing it to expand. If you see your egg vibrating slightly, this is because air is escaping from the bottle. When the flame goes out, the air in the bottle cools and shrinks. This is what sucks the egg into the bottle!


Baking Soda-Powered Boat (Ages 7-16)

By mixing baking soda and vinegar, you get a chemical reaction which creates carbon dioxide gas. When this happens inside the bottle boat, the gas only has one way to escape, and that’s out the straw. The gas flying down the straw and out the back pushes the boat forwards. This is the same principle used by airplane jet engines. Hot gasses are thrown backward out of the engine, and that propels the airplane forward.


Thermal Powered Flower (Ages 9-16)

As the flames from each candle heat the air up around them, the air expands and becomes less dense than the surrounding, cooler air. This causes the heated air to rise upwards, creating a gentle, warm breeze that causes your flower to rotate just like a pinwheel spins in the wind!


Balloon Hovercraft (Ages 9-16)

You don’t need high-tech gadgets to make your own hovercraft! This balloon-powered toy is easy to make with household materials and is a ton of fun. A light push sends it gliding along in a straight path. Keep blowing the balloon up for more and more fun!


Instant Cloud Science Experiment (Ages 5-16)

When you release the pressure, the gas inside rapidly expands. This expansion causes the rubbing alcohol vapor inside your bottle to cool off very quickly and condense into little tiny droplets. These droplets are your cloud!


Magic Inflating Balloons (Ages 5-16)

Lift the balloon up, allowing the baking soda to pour into the bottle. This causes a carbon dioxide gas reaction that makes the balloon inflate. How cool is it to watch the balloon expand? After the balloon is fully inflated, pull the balloon off and discard it (as balloons are a choking hazard).


Fizzy Candy (Ages 8-16)

This recipe keeps the citric acid and baking soda separate until you eat it. When these two ingredients combine with the saliva in your mouth, it creates carbon dioxide gas. It doesn’t “pop” like the fizzy candy sold in stores, but you are still experiencing a chemical reaction in your mouth!


Water Volcano in a Bottle (Ages 4-9)

Try out this two-part water experiment! First, why can’t you blow up a balloon in a bottle? And, second, what happens when you blow it up and then fill it with water?


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